
Here is a textbook cover design series I've been working on for class. I was given the subjects biology, chemistry and physics. Our assignment was to only create the background imagery of the textbooks, no typographic elements! In the first set (top row) I wanted to experiment with the combination of diagrams/equations/structures commonly found in each subject with a photograph in nature that paired well to illustrate. The second set (middle row) have a iconic image to represent each subject. I decided to have this set in black in white because it's extremely different than the colorful textbook covers typically found with these subjects. In the last set (bottom row) I was inspired by the Powers of Ten by Charles and Ray Eames. Illustrating the idea of distance, each book in the set gets more and more zoomed out, similar to the film. I still have a few changes to make, and will probably add type for my portfolio, but here they are so far!

Design: Mika Parajon
Photography (first set): Molly Boucher

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